Posts Tagged ‘Moaner Hooks’

2012 has come and gone, and the first year of BassNastyFishing’s existence has been more fun and rewarding than I imagined. Not only did I get to fish cool stuff, and catch some of my biggest and best ever fish, I got to meet some absolutely stand up people and tackle companies as well, which to me is just as important as catching big fish.

So, as BNF looks back on it’s first year, in the Xmas/holiday spirit of giving, I’d like to give some shout out’s and props to a few of the people and companies that stood out for me this year, to give back to them a little of the good cheer and karma that I received from them this year. Of course, now that I have a cool GoPro courtesy of my awesome wife, I decided to do it in video format. It ended up being a 4 part series, as there was just too much to say and show to cram it all into one video. As it is, I still feel like I didn’t these people and companies enough justice!

In Part 1 I give a heartfelt thanks to Matt Wilson and Moaner Hooks, and talk a bit about his company and his jigs and hooks which accounted for some of my biggest fish this year. BTW Pecado is Awesome!!! and my color of the year!

In Part 2, Cajun Tackle House is the subject, as I discuss Jake R0berie and Chris Thornton’s Louisiana based company that has survived 2 natural catastrophes (Hurricanes Katrina and Isaac) and kept on providing awesome lures influenced by their Cajun fishing habitat, and got me fishing outside my comfort zone (with some real success I might add).

In Part 3, I discuss another tackle subject dear to my heart, JDM (Japanese Domestic Market) tackle, and how there are still companies in Japan that make JDM tackle that is really Japanese designed and produced in house, in Japan, like Duo International. Martin Bakos, my contact with Duo, really encapsulates all that is right with any tackle company, and hopefully after watching Part 3, you will share my enthusiasm for Duo’s lures.

In Part 4, I tie everything into a nice sweet little package, tying in JDM tackle and American small business, and talk a bit about Precision Tackle and it’s owner/proprietor Herb Weichmann. I discuss what Precision Tackle is all about, and show some of the eye-candy that he sells that no one else sells here in the USA.

And of course there’s a ton of people that I need to thanks but that never made it into any of the videos, including Carl, my new Nock fishing buddy; Warren Wolk, the drop shot king, king of the puffs and holder of  the enviable streak if 11 months of straight 5lb Pennsylvania donkeys; Mike of Keitech USA; Mr.K of the Keitech User’s Site; Marcus of ScreamingDemons; Boyd Duckett (Bassmaster Classic Champ!!) and Sean Schuyler (cool Canuck!) of Duckett Fishing; Al Noraker of Wright and McGill; Alex, rod guru of ALX Rods; and last but not least my awesome wife Kim, who’s an enabler of the best kind, provider of GoPro’s, support and encouragement, thanks tons Punkins!! Love Ya!

Below you’ll find the Xmas Special in 4 Parts! I hope you enjoy them, and I look forward to lifting BNF this year to bigger and better heights with more cool videos, reviews and more!